Important Information in this issue you won’t want to miss!
**November 25th LGPOA Meeting Update
**Membership Committee Volunteer Opportunity
**Website Committee Volunteer Opportunity
**All About the Poison That Kills Exotic Trees
**New Year’s Eve festivities
**LGIFR Update
Mark your calendar! LGPOA Meeting, POKER RUN and ISLAND NEIGHBOR PICNIC Saturday, January 6th at 10 am
Everyone is welcome!
The first LGPOA community event of 2018 will be Saturday, January 6th at 10 am. It will take place at the Placida Beach Condos in the grassy area or inside by the pool. Please bring your own beverage and a charged golf cart!
It’s not a race, just a cruise! Once the LGPOA meeting is over, we’ll start the Poker Run. At each stop you will collect a playing card and at the end of the run, the top three poker hands will be awarded prizes and a picnic will follow!
You’ll be able to join the LGPOA, update your current membership information and volunteer for future events.
Rain or shine, let’s get together and celebrate the New Year!
**November 25th LGPOA Meeting Update
Several islanders attended the meeting on Saturday the 25th.
Numerous issues were discussed:
*We received an update on the Planning and Development Committee’s progress regarding; north/south easements, parking on the mainland and island access.
*Members were updated about the efforts being made to resolve the remaining debris from the pink house’ and were informed that the LGPOA board recently sent a certified letter to the owners inviting their cooperation in the clean up.
*DMK Surveyors were recently on the island at FEMA’s request to update flood surveys that were outdated.
*Century Link will speak at the next LGPOA meeting to update membership on progress of providing Internet access on the island.
*LGPOA sponsored police protection was approved for the holidays.
*Our environmental chair suggested trapping armadillo and coyotes to protect the turtle nests.
*There was discussion about the upcoming water increase, letters of support or opposition can be submitted by November 30th at
*A member requested the a point person from the LGPOA contact Gasparilla Marina for clarification on the new protocol for use of “load only” slips and “short term” docking slips for customers.
*The next meeting date was set and approved for January 6th at 10am with Poker Run and picnic to follow.
Minutes from the meeting will be posted at within 10 days.
**Website Committee Volunteer Opportunity
From Membership Chair, Bob Mahoney
The LGPOA is in search of an individual to Chair the Website Committee
-LGPOA Membership
-Laptop or Desktop Computer
-Internet Service
-Available 1-2 hours per month to update site
-Comfortable with simple edits/additions/updates of content and images using WordPress theme
Please volunteer to support the LGPOA
Direct inquiries to: Membership Chair, Bob Mahoney at
**All About the Poison That Kills Exotic Trees
From Island Services Committee Chair, Phyllis Nesmith:
Tired of Brazilian Peppers and Australian Pines on your property? Garlon 4, a biodegradable poison that is sprayed on the cut limbs of the plant, is the answer. The park service uses the product to eliminate exotics and LGPOA has purchased Garlon 4 for our use. You can either spray the poison on the stumps or “skirt” the tree before cutting it down. Skirting is cutting a ring around the base of the trunk and spraying the poison on it while it still stands. The tree will die and be easier to remove.
Contact Phyllis NeSmith at or call 941-697-2242 to make an appointment. Bring a plastic spray (not glass) bottle to contain it in.
**New Year’s Eve festivities
This New Year’s Eve potluck, lighted golf cart parade and band that will take place at the golf cart shop and will once again be funded by a group of island contractors as a kind gesture of thanks to island residents. This is not an LGPOA sponsored event. There will be signs with more details on island bulletin boards soon.
**Little Gasparilla Island Fire and Rescue (LGIFR) (The LGPOA is not affiliated with the LGIFR, we just want to keep you up to date on all island activities.)
We hope to see everyone at the LGIFR Annual Meeting tomorrow, Saturday, December 2, 2017, at 11:00am, at the LGIFR Firehouse.
During the cooler seasons it is not uncommon to come upon a group gathered around a fire on the beach. Please be reminded that there is a County ordinance against fires on the beach and accidents are not uncommon when these fires are mismanaged. You might think that to extinguish a fire, you only need is to cover it up with sand. This is a myth. This actually creates an extremely hot oven of embers that can simmer for days following the fire. This can result in an innocent beachcomber sustaining severe burns to their hands or feet for up to several days.
In order for a fire to be completely extinguished you need to use water and a stick to stir up the embers. Once completely cool, then it can be covered with sand. During any fire, it is wise to have a 5-gallon bucket of water nearby in the event it is necessary to knock down or extinguish the fire.
Also, fireworks can be dangerous and precautions are a must. The National Council of Fire Works states:
*Obey all local laws regarding the use of fireworks.
*Know your fireworks; read the cautionary labels and performance descriptions before igniting.
*A responsible adult MUST supervise all firework activities. Never give fireworks to children.
*Alcohol and fireworks do not mix. Save your alcohol for after the show.
*Wear safety glasses when shooting fireworks.
*Light one firework at a time and then quickly move away.
*Use fireworks outdoors in a clear area; away from buildings and vehicles.
*Never relight a “dud” firework. Wait 20 minutes and then soak it in a bucket of water.
*Always have a bucket of water and charged water hose nearby.
*Never carry fireworks in your pocket or shoot them into metal or glass containers.
*Do not experiment with homemade fireworks.
*Dispose of spent fireworks by wetting them thoroughly and placing them in a metal trashcan away from any building or combustible materials until the next day.
*Report illegal explosives, like M-80s and quarter sticks, to the fire or police department.
And don’t forget the safety of your pets!
*Don’t bring your pet to a fireworks display, even a small one.
*If fireworks are being used near your home, put your pet in a safe, interior room.
*Make sure your pet has an identification tag, in case it runs off during a fireworks display.
*Never shoot fireworks of any kind (consumer fireworks, sparklers, fountains, etc.) near pets.
Little Gasparilla Property Owners Association Board and Committee names and emails can be found on the LGPOA website at
Please feel free to email me at with any information you’d like circulated in the next month’s Coconut Telegraph by the 25th of the month. Content is reviewed by board members for approval.
Happy Holidays to all!
Rhonda Olson