
Great American Cleanup

Interested in helping?

Next week (starting Sunday, April 3rd) we are looking for people to remove garbage from our mangroves, inner-island and the beach. Larger garbage will be accepted at Eldred’s Marina on April 9th. (No appliances or TVs). Volunteers who sign up in advance will receive a T-Shirt provided by Keep Charlotte Beautiful.

How can you help?

  1. You can individually pick up empty and drop off full bags of garbage (no household) every day beginning Sunday, April 3rd at LGI Carts from 9am-noon. Each bag needs to have a form completed describing its’ contents. They’re very easy to fill out and important because the data collected helps the county continue the clean up.
  2. If you want to be assigned with a group of volunteers, show up at 8am on Sunday the 3rd.   We have 7 volunteers so far, more are welcome to join. Bring gloves and water shoes!
  3. On Saturday, April 9th, another group of volunteers are needed to help collect and transport garbage across the bay to Eldred’s Marina from 8 until noon. Volunteers are needed to:

–           Help unload garbage and collect forms at Eldred’s, we have two volunteers already!

–           Provide boat transportation for the collected waste to the dumpster at Eldred’s.

–           Comb lots, mangroves and the beach, we have 5 different volunteers!! More are volunteering every day!

–           Provide carts and trailers to haul collected waste to the boats.

  1. If you know of a problem area on the island that needs attention, please let us know at lgicarts@gmail.com.

If you can participate, please visit the volunteer section at www.lgpoa.org or email the above address. Be sure to leave your name, email, dates you can help, the type of help you can provide and don’t forget shirt sizes for you and your helpers! Any questions, please call 941-999-7788.