Environmental Social

International Coastal Cleanup

Mark your calendars! Islanders can come, help collect and transport items to a dumpsters at Eldred’s Marina.

We are looking for groups of people to remove garbage from our mangroves, the inner-island and also from the beach.  On Sept. 19th we will collect and transport trash to the dumpster at Eldred’s Marina from 8am until noon.

We would like to add another group to concentrate on only bagged garbage the weekend before the 19th, (Saturday, September 12th, 8am to noon).  We have a storage place on island for the garbage that is collected early.  Larger garbage will have to wait until the 19th but we ask that NO APPLIANCES OR TV’s are brought from your homes.

Volunteers will receive a T-shirt as long as you sign up in advance!   If you can participate, please visit the volunteer section at www.lgpoa.org. Be sure to leave your name, e-mail, dates you can help and, don’t forget shirt sizes for you and your helpers! Any questions, please call 941-999-7788.

More information will be in the next telegraph along with the list of volunteers so far!