04/23/2022 11:00 A.M. Annual Meeting
CALL TO ORDER: 11:15 am
Directors present Leydon, Flom, Fraser, Bokar, Tremblay, Dwyer, telephone: Olson, Callahan, Handlin; Quorum present!
APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MARCH 23: reviewed that since the last meeting, the minutes from Jan 15 members’ meeting, Feb 10 general meeting, and March 23 general meeting have all been approved via email communication and voting, and are currently on the LGPOA website.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Mr. Leydon reports an account balance of; $21,395 and that annual expenses have remained balanced with receipts from membership fees.
Environmental: Pede: This year our island will again participate in the sea-turtle nest monitoring and protection under the authority of the FWC certificate of neighboring island permit issued to Carol McCoy of Manasota Key. Also be on the lookout for daytime nesting Kemps Ripley sea turtles. Call Pede if you see one for reporting to wildlife authorities as they are quite rare and endangered. An organizational meeting for turtle patrol will be held at Pede’s house on May 7 at 11:00 am (9020 Swinson St., by the “Slow! Puppy” sign)
Navigation: Richard reported the missing green and red channel markers have been replaced/repaired by the county. We will continue to investigate which agency (county or Coast Guard) is responsible for rectifying the mal-aligned Channel marker 2 at the beginning of our channel immediately west of the ICW. Several of us are in agreement that its current location likely constitutes a hazard to navigation, as it is easily confused with the “ICW Red” by vessels following the ICW from the swing bridge.
Membership: Dawn reported 144 renewal or new memberships have been received from this year’s campaign, to-date, signup for committees is ongoing, and they will be re-emphasized now in the post-Covid environment, as well as a return to social activities.
Island Services: Richard reported that Garlon remains available to islanders for treatment of invasive Brazilian pepper and Australian pine stumps when cut to prevent regrowth. Contact Jennifer McCoullah to obtain, her number is 303-809-0493, she prefers a text.
Fire & Police comments: Deputy Prummel reported a generally quiet Spring Break season, without formal reports of criminal activity. Chief Underhill reminds islanders of the complete burn ban currently being enforced by aircraft patrol. Two citations were issued to offenders caught in the act of open burning in the past week. the policies prohibiting fireworks and beach fires were reiterated.
Review of last calendar year (Richard): We have actively followed and informed on the proposed sewer contract. Expiration of terms of Directors in even-numbered districts is coincident with this Annual Meeting. The at-large director for District Two expires and is replace with the District Two-residing member who submitted their candidacy to the board (Brian Callahan) and District eight-residing member who submitted their candidacy to the board (Jeff Handlin), The invitation for submissions, having been solicited in the Coconut Telegraph January 2022.
Bylaws, Article X, process to amend bylaws (Bokar): Joe Bokar stated that the board recognizes and is well-aware of controversies discussed in person, by email, and on social media pertaining to some members’ dissatisfaction with the use and appointment of “at-large” district directors. While we recognize this, our position has been that although such at-large representation is not explicitly authorized in the current bylaws of the association, neither are they prohibited. Therefore, Director Bokar encouraged fellow directors and other members to consider submitting Bylaw Amendments to resolve what they feel currently is unsatisfactory. The Amendment procedure is outlined in detail in Article X of the bylaws, a link to which is available on the landing page of the LGPOA website. Proposals received by the board in writing/by email will be brought forward per the bylaws at a general meeting within 45 days of receipt, generally the next month’s scheduled meeting.
Sewer Update (Barb Dwyer): Post hearing documents were submitted to the PSC on 3/16/2022 from all parties of record. The PSC Staff recommendations are due on May 25th. The Commission Conference where the vote will take place is scheduled for June 7th. A question was asked if a certificate has ever been denied in the past; we were told “no” by Jennifer Crawford from the PSC staff. However, the Office of Public Counsel (OPC), post-hearing brief concludes that numerous statements of the expense and rate data provided to the PSC by EU are unacceptable or incomplete. As of 4/22/2022, 1303 pieces of correspondence have been received on this proceeding. 1141 are pieces of personal correspondence, (pro & con).
Update on status of County Ramp expansion (Leydon and Bokar): Joe Bokar reported that the commissioners reviewed and discussed our email comments to them about the need for islander parking on the mainland, water taxi access, and barge landing for commercial activity, including, but not limited to delivery of building supplies and heavy equipment They recognize that utility access for electricity, and septic tank maintenance also can be considered health and safety priorities. It is unlikely that any of these accommodations can be incorporated into the current Placida West ramp expansion, due to its limited scope, budget, and the fact that the planning is already on is third iteration in the past year. Nevertheless, they did move to schedule a Commissioners’ Workshop in June to further address the island’s needs related to the above. A more complete narrative of the commissioners’ meeting and response is posted on the LGPOA website, which was authored by Joe Bokar with input from Rhonda Olson and Richard Leydon.
Welcome new board members: per the bylaws, the terms of directors from districts 2, 4, 6, and 8 expire at today’s Annual Meeting. Of these directors District 2 (Rhonda Olson) communicated that she would not seek to continue in her role as at-large for district two; Brian Callahan did communicate his desire to seek election/appointment to the vacancy. As he was he only member from District two to do so, he is appointed to the seat without requiring a vote. Likewise, Roy Petteway, decided not to continue to serve as director for District 8. Jeff Handlin a member from district 8 communicated to the board that he was interested in running for the position, thus, uncontested he is appointed. Welcome Directors Callahan (2) and Handlin (8)!
Bruce Kelsey, of 9799 LGI addressed the group. He reiterated the need for mainland vehicle parking for LGI residents, an asked for clarification of current rules and permitting at the county facility. Deputy Prummell re-assured Mr. Kelsey that the prohibition of overnight parking at county lots does not apply to the ramp facility, but to beach access lots. He also clarified the requirements for legally leaving an unhitched trailer in a parking spot for short periods.
NEXT GENERAL MEETING: Motion to schedule general meeting, May 21, by Bokar, Dwyer seconded, Motion passed.
ADJOURN: 12:24