The meeting was called to order by President Richard Leydon at 5:00 p.m. at his home.
Marietta Abele, Jeff Cowherd, Deric Flom, Paul Holmes, Richard Leydon, Rhonda Olson and (by phone), Terrie Weibley
Rhonda Olson will circulate a hurricane tip sheet for board members & islanders to add their tips of particular importance to islanders. The information will then be posted on the LGPOA Website.
Richard Leydon stated that 25 gallon sea grape containers and some other landscape trees or shrubs will be purchased with board approval to mitigate removal of shrubbery for a road pathway connecting Swenson with Grand Avenue. Terrie Weibley made a motion and Paul Holmes seconded the expenditure of up to $1000 for plant materials.
Linda Soderquist has served as our island Environmental Chairperson for many years. Because she is increasingly off-island, she has offered to give her position to someone who spends more time on the island. If anyone is interested, she will provide assistance. She is more than willing to help from her computer with anything the island needs. If no one comes forward, she will remain the Chairperson.
Seagrasses were hit hard by last year’s red tide. As a result, volunteers are needed for a seagrass survey in Charlotte County. Training for the survey will be held from 7 to 8:30pm on April 11th at the Charlotte County Environmental Campus as a UF Citizen Science Project. The surveys will be April 12th and April 25th. Volunteers form their own teams, consisting of at least three people. Each team uses their own boat, snorkels, and fins. For more information, contact or call 941-764-4346.
Richard Leydon will check with Jim Locascio of Mote Marine regarding whether a survey of islanders regarding those adversely affected in health by last year’s red tide would be useful data. Many islanders reported negative effects, some of which have been lasting. A discussion also ensued about rumors of sewer line spillage into various waterways connected with Charlotte Harbor and their contribution to the worsening red tides. Questions were raised about whether a rumored sewer line to LGI would encourage increased density on the island. Tom McCoy advised that the zoning law for the island would protect against that.
A discussion ensued about determining the best use of limited funds in providing deputy protection during peak holiday and/or spring break times. The presence of an off-duty hired deputy is of benefit primarily due to visibility, which would be limited during the overnight hours of 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. Richard Leydon will consult with Deputy Ed Trentacosta about the advisability of an overnight additional deputy for the Memorial Day weekend.
Property owners new to the island are requesting the magnets with helpful numbers and dog etiquette that were distributed to all homes a few months ago. None are left. The board has determined that 50-100 additional magnets will be ordered, with quantity determined by pricing. Rhonda will research the cost and the board will determine quantity after costs are known.
A discussion ensued with Terrie Weibley, District 8 Representative, who favored the addition of signs at the south end declaring private property as an adjunct to discourage the growing number of boaters setting up on the beach as if it were public land. She further advocated that the action should be taken to assist private property owners who have documented boaters using their property as a restroom.
The board engaged in a discussion relative to issues on the south end. The board chose to gather more information pertaining to the private property owner’s wants and proposed actions relative to signage and enforcement of private property rights. Discussions were to continue with the property owners with the board discussing the placement of bird nesting signs along the point. It was voiced that bird nesting signs installed a few years ago were removed by vandals. It was also voiced that many people on our island discourage signage of any kind. Another thought was that if we provide signs at the south end now, would the LGPOA be expected to provide them island-wide in the future? Unfortunately, until a solution can be agreed upon, the problem is up to the individual property owners and law enforcement to manage at this time.
Board members will ask the county, via a letter, to advise regarding progress in completion of the Puerto property on the South end.
If approved by vote, Rhonda Olson asked that a list of licensed contractors be drafted for inclusion on the LGPOA website to help differentiate from those who are unlicensed and uninsured.
Terrie Weibley moved and Marietta Abele seconded that the meeting adjourn. President Richard Leydon adjourned the meeting at 6:47 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Rhonda Olson, Vice President