The LGPOA is pleased to share Native Plants For Little Gasparilla Island Florida, Second Edition which is a book written by Jennifer McCullough about native...
Island News & Blog
1. CALL TO ORDER: 5:35 pm
Attendees: (Phone) Laurie Tremblay, Barb Dwyer, Joe Bokar, (on site) Pede Fraser, Richard Leydon, Deric Flom, Brian Callahan
1. CALL TO ORDER: 10:10 am
Attendance: Joe Bokar Deric Flom, Pede Fraser, Laurie Tremblay, Brian Callahan, Barb Dwyer, Jeff Handlin (phone), Richard Leydon...
Photo Gallery
04/23/2022 11:00 A.M. Annual Meeting
CALL TO ORDER: 11:15 am
Directors present Leydon, Flom, Fraser, Bokar, Tremblay, Dwyer...
LGPOA Directors’ Business Meeting April 23, 2022
Call to Order: 12:35 pm
Directors in attendance: Laurie Tremblay, Brian Callahan (phone), Deric Flom...
Please find below a link to the supporters’ comments collected by the LGPOA and compiled and emailed to all Charlotte County Commissioners on Monday the 11th...
In preparation for the LGPOA annual meeting on Saturday, 4/23 at 11:00 A.M., the meeting agenda and the current bylaws are posted here, along with additional...