Little Gasparilla Island is a pristine piece of old Florida, conveniently located minutes from the mainland and its amenities and services. Quiet, peaceful and uncrowded, Little Gasparilla Island is an informal, yet cooperative, collection of residents who cherish the breathtaking beauty of their unique island home and the easy going lifestyle it fosters. Timeless and enduring, Little Gasparilla Island combines history, nature and individuality to create one of the most endearing places in Florida. Click here to learn more about the LGPOA.

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Little Gasparilla Island

Last Updated on Jun 5 2024, 7:35 am EDT

Current Conditions: Fair


Temp: 79°F

Wind: SE at 5mph

Humidity: 100%

Dewpoint: 78.8°F

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LGPOA Accomplishments

Please find below a list of LGPOA accomplishments in chronological order.

As one of its first actions, the LGPOA hired an attorney to resist efforts to establish a private sewer company on LGI (which would have enabled the construction of high density tourist facilities). Rezoning of the island happened in 2013 to single family residential only (see details below) to stop such tourist facilities.

High Speed Channel to Island: The LGPOA and the Navigation Committee were instrumental in acquiring both the north and south 25 mph access channels to LGI across Placida Bay after the state imposed a 5 mph zone on the entire Bay. Without this, we would be crossing from the mainland to the island at 5 mph. If you notice a marker down or damaged, please contact the LGPOA.

Island Zoning: The LGPOA worked alongside the LGI Advisory Committee to draft a county zoning ordinance for LGI that rezoned the entire island from residential multi-family tourist (RMFT, allowing Multi-family properties high-rise hotels) to single family residential only. This ordinance passed in 2013.

LGPOA worked hand in hand with the initial Fire Board and an Advisory Committee to create LGIFR, Inc., our on-island fire and EMS Corporation. More info at

Island Docks: The LGPOA worked with the island Dock Committee for over 3 ½ years to save existing LGI docks after the state Department of Environmental Protection threatened to fine or remove those which were found in violation of its rules. The LGPOA paid for a lobbyist to assist the bill, drafted by the Dock Committee, through the legislative process. The successful outcome of the bill was due to the efforts of the Dock Committee and POA. The new law created a mechanism for docks to become compliant, avoid past due fines and allowed for future expansion. The Dock Bill was signed into law on June 13, 2014.

Island Roads: While most of the north/south travel ways are private pathways, the POA has, at times, tried to improve them where possible and educate islanders of their private nature. In a recent combined effort with LGIFR we are currently repairing trouble spots on the north/south easement

Coconut Telegraph: LGPOA’s email newsletter has kept members informed of issues of importance including environmental and LGIFR updates, volunteer opportunities and social events.

Exotic Plant Removal: The LGPOA started a program that provides an environmentally friendly herbicide free to its members for use in eliminating Brazilian Peppers and Australian Pines.

Social Events: The LGPOA supports engaging social events including Fishing Tournaments, Kid’s Marine and Fishing Clinics, Fourth of July Family Picnics, Golf Cart Poker Runs and Island Wide Garage Sales.

Environmental: The LGPOA in coordination with LGI Carts, International Coastal Cleanup and the Great American Cleanup has successfully organized numerous volunteer events to comb the beach and mangroves resulting in the removal of tons of debris and discarded items from the island.

Following Hurricane Irma, the LGPOA actively engaged with Charlotte County Health Department to monitor the status of the removal of the septic tank that was buried in the sand following the destruction of the “pink house”. It has since been removed. Persistent phone calls and e-mails to representatives and various agencies made by islanders and board members past and present helped persuade Charlotte County to provide LGI with assistance. Once FEMA approved funding for “off road” clean-up efforts, the Charlotte County Department of Public Works was assigned to LGI to operate an environmental chipper to further diminish tree debris. The LGPOA Board of Directors would like to acknowledge the efforts of numerous island volunteers, including builders, contractors and utility providers who pooled their efforts and offered their time, energy and equipment to manage all remaining debris left strewn across the beach by the storm. See pictures at

The LGPOA approved the development of a refrigerator magnet for each homeowner to educate islanders and guests on how to ensure public health though the proper disposal of pet waste and address environmental and etiquette concerns regarding pets on our beaches. Important island phone numbers were also included.

The LGPOA continues to work proactively with Deputy Billy Prummell from the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Department to prevent golf cart theft, speeding, vandalism, unruly behavior and underage drinking. The addition of police officers contracted by the LGPOA to patrol during peak times has helped to diminish these challenges, creating a more pleasant and safe environment.

Communications: Over the last few years, the LGPOA has invested in updating its technology to streamline administrative systems and improve member communications. A new website and technical upgrades now allows us to manage our own content in real time, receive electronic membership payments, invite volunteers and field general questions from constituents.

Administrative: In 2016, the LGPOA appointed a committee to propose and make amendments of the original LGPOA by-laws, which were written in 2004. The intention was to have the by-laws reflect the way the LGPOA has functioned since its inception and integrate the use of available technology to reduce costs. Proposed amendments were passed at the 2017 annual meeting.

Island Roads and Access: The committee appointed to research strategies for long term island access will resume conversations with Charlotte County Chairman Bill Truex. For several years, the committee has been engaged in ongoing conversations with Charlotte County, affected property owners and builders to help negotiate solutions where the existing north/south cart path runs through private property. In 2018-19 the LGPOA negotiated a bypass of the closed north/south pathway connecting Swenson and Grand. The LGPOA purchased and planted replacement shrubbery for our generous neighbors who allow the access.

Red Tide: The LGPOA has been working with the Roskamp Institute in Sarasota to study the effects of red tide. And we are also participating with HABscope, sharing real time densities of our waters to forecast respiratory irritations and current conditions.

County Landing Project: The LGPOA has been in communication with Commissioner Truex regarding the County Landing Area Project, emphasizing a barge landing and parking. County surveys were shared with membership and islanders for their input.

Sewer Project: The LGPOA continues to educate members on the sewer project proposed by Environmental Utilities for LGI.