5:40 pm
Richard, Joe, Pede, Barb, Brian; on the phone: Laurie, Jeff - APPROVAL OF MINUTES:
Nov 29, 2022 approved by email and posted - TREASURER’S REPORT:
$25129, no funds used recently. - TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION:
- Updates: Hurricane Ian discussion
- FEMA Contractors on Island
ATL is the contractor for FDEM which is covering the cost of debris removal, reimbursed, at least in part by FEMA. Construction debris and trees along road being picked up, loaded and unloaded at the Fishery, disposed at FDEM/FEMA expense, extent of tree removal uncertain. Hopefully, access will not be restricted by property owners. - After FEMA leaves
Homeowners will be on their own. Taylor and Evan may be only option, but where it goes from the mainland landing is not determined, property owners are encouraged to move as much debris to the right of way as soon as possible to ensure pickup by and at FDEM/FEMA’s expense; after which owners will likely be on their own for making arrangements and paying for removal and disposal.
Action item: announcement in Telegraph about the time sensitivity - Barge service/landings
Lots of independent bargers running around, but cost not established, nor disposal. Dixon’s landing almost repaired. Robert Hill moving stuff from Fishery to landing behind the chapel on the island. Most of freelance guys are coming out of county park ramp. Rum Runner landing now being dominated by ATL, local homeowners not happy with traffic, but that is a platted road dedicated to the public. Robert Hill’s landing is approved by county, but still in the state’s hands. He is building a bigger barge. Unclear if any of these services can accommodate a septic pump out truck. - Eldred’s Update
Still under contract, but hasn’t closed.
Completely unclear how long until docks and parking go away.
- FEMA Contractors on Island
- Annual meeting: April 15 at 11 AM
Picnic lunch to be provided.
Election (if needed) results to be announced.
Organizational meeting of directors to follow immediately! - Navigation committee: channel marker lights appeared out of nowhere.
Channel marker 2 still badly aligned, as is 5; 4 is missing entirely. We are not addressing with the county until after the Coast Guard finishes repairing/replacing the ICW markers. - County land use meeting regarding zoning of large parcels at SR 776 and Gasparilla Rd. is scheduled for Feb. 28. Barb is attending for informational purpose; board is not taking position at this time.
- Updates: Hurricane Ian discussion
- ADJOURN Motion by Richard, second Joe, unanimous.at 6:45 pm