Island Services

All About the Poison That Kills Exotic Trees

From Island Services Chair: Jennifer McCoullah – 303-809-0493 (text only)

Tired of Brazilian Peppers and Australian Pines on your property? Element 4, a biodegradable poison that is sprayed on the cut limbs of the plant, is the answer. The park service uses the product to eliminate exotics and LGPOA has purchased Element 4 for our use. You can either spray the poison on the stumps or “skirt” the tree before cutting it down. Skirting is cutting a ring around the base of the trunk and spraying the poison on it while it still stands. The tree will die and be easier to remove.

Contact Jennifer McCullough at 303-809-0493 to make an appointment. Texts are preferred. Bring a plastic spray bottle to contain it in.