

Summertime means Mosquitoes!

Please feel free to contact Charlotte County Mosquito Control to report mosquito problems and request that they spray on the island. The number is 941-764-4370...


Turtle Time!

Our island sea turtles are nesting in strong numbers. We are happy about that because the majority of our first month nests were destroyed by high tides in...


Nesting Sea Birds

Several species of shorebirds and seabirds nest along our Gulf coasts beaches. Habitat loss has restricted many of these species. Our shorebirds are...


Sailboat Update

At the March 23, 2016 hearing a judge ordered the loose debris (the parts that are on the beach, near the dunes) be removed prior to May 1st, the beginning of...


Great American Cleanup

Interested in helping?
Next week (starting Sunday, April 3rd) we are looking for people to remove garbage from our mangroves, inner-island and the beach...

Environmental Social

Labor Day Activities

Kids Marine Clinic – Saturday, September 5th
Linda Soderquist, our resident Florida Master Naturalist, will again hold the Kids Marine Clinic on...